Xircom Modem RM56V1 User Manual

RealPort Modem 56  
User’s Guide  
HARDWARE INSTALLATION .................................................. 1-1  
WINDOWS 95 AND 98 INSTALLATION ...................................2-1  
WINDOWS NT 4.0 INSTALLATION ......................................... 3-1  
APPENDIXES ....................................................................... A-1  
A. Support Services ............................................................. A-1  
B. Specifications ................................................................. A-4  
C. Lifetime Limited Warranty ............................................... A-5  
D. Regulatory Agency Notices ............................................. A-8  
E. Software License Agreement ......................................... A-12  
Windows 95, 98, and NT Online Documentation  
See the Windows Help file HELPDOCS.HLP on the Xircom  
diskette for additional installation, troubleshooting, and  
modem information. After installation, this file can be  
accessed from the Xircom Utilities program group.  
Windows 3.x Installation Utility  
For Windows 3.x environments, run the Installation Program  
INSTALL.EXE from the Xircom diskette. For additional  
information, see the Windows Help file HELPDOCS.HLP on  
the Xircom diskette.  
iv RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
Hardware Installation  
The Xircom RealPort™ Modem 56 supports modem speeds up to  
56Kbps using either the V.90 or the K56flex standard. The  
RealPort Integrated PC Card plugs into a Type III or dual Type II  
PC Card slot.  
Model RM56V1  
Standard RJ-11 telephone cables plug directly into the RealPort  
Integrated PC Card. Two RJ-11 ports allow for both modem and  
telephone handset connections.  
Installation and Configuration  
• For Windows 95, 98 and NT software installation instruc-  
tions, see Chapters 2 and 3 in this Users Guide and the  
Help file HELPDOCS.HLP on the Xircom diskette. After  
installation, see the Xircom program group to view the Help  
• For Windows 3.x, run the Xircom Installation Program  
INSTALL.EXE from the Xircom diskette. See the Help file  
HELPDOCS.HLP on the Xircom diskette for additional  
• For IBM OS/2, use OS/2 Card and Socket Services to enable  
the modem.  
1-2 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
Hardware Installation  
Package Contents  
• Xircom RealPort Modem 56 (Model RM56V1)  
• RJ-11 telephone line cord  
• Users Guide and Quick Installation Card  
• Software and online documentation on 3.5-inch diskette  
Other Requirements  
• For modem operations: an analog telephone line, RJ-11  
modular telephone cable (supplied), and if needed, RJ-11  
adapter for the local telephone system. Communications  
software is required for modem and fax operations.  
The two RJ-1 1 ports on the RealPort Integrated PC Card are  
identical: use one to connect the modem to the telephone  
line, the other for an approved telephone set.  
Hardware Installation 1-3  
Inserting the RealPort Integrated PC Card  
1-4 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
Connecting Modem to the Telephone Network (RJ-11)  
RJ-11 connectors are identical: use one for  
modem link, one for a telephone set.  
Connecting a Telephone (RJ-11)  
Windows 95 and 98 Installation  
Plug and Play Installation  
Plug and play installation of the Xircom RealPort™ Modem 56 is  
supported under Windows 95 and 98. Installation with these  
versions of Windows is described in this chapter.  
Use these instructions for a first-time installation of the Xircom  
RealPort Modem 56.  
1 With the computer ON and Windows 95 running, insert the  
RealPort Modem 56 into the PC Card slot.  
2 The RealPort Integrated PC Card will be detected as a Xircom  
Modem 56. Installation procedures vary slightly according to  
the Windows version.  
Windows 98 and 95 Version 950b and later: Computer  
detects card and displays the Update Device Driver Wizard.  
Window 95 Version 950/950a: Computer detects card and  
displays Xircom Modem 56. Select Disk provided by  
hardware manufacturer,” and click OK.  
3 Insert the Xircom diskette, and follow the prompts to complete  
the installation.  
4 Windows will recognize the Xircom modem and driver files  
will be installed. Proceed to step 5 before rebooting.  
2-2 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
5 After plug and play installation is complete, and before restart-  
ing the computer, use Start/Run to execute SETUP.EXE from  
the Xircom diskette. Xircom Utilities will be copied to your  
hard disk, a program group will be set up, and CountrySelect  
and online registration utilities will launch. Make a country  
selection (U.S.A. is the default) and complete the registration.  
6 Remove the Xircom diskette and reboot the system.  
Xircom Utilities  
The following utilities are installed into the Xircom Utilities  
program group by SETUP.EXE. Double-click the appropriate icon  
to run the utility.  
COM Port Selector - View and modify modem COM port  
CountrySelect - Configure your modem for a particular  
Modem Test - Display COM port status and input modem  
Online Documentation - Windows Help file containing  
installation instructions, troubleshooting, and modem  
reference information  
Readme file - Supplementary technical information  
Registration - Register the product online using the modem  
Windows 95 and 98 Installation 2-3  
Windows 95 and 98 Troubleshooting  
Review this section if any of the following problems occur:  
• Modem initialization errors occur when attempting to dial-  
out using a communications application.  
• Connection fails or other problems occur.  
It may be necessary to define a modem type within your commu-  
nications application. If the Xircom modem is not listed, choose a  
“Generic Hayes compatible” device.  
If your computer is equipped with an infrared communications  
port, you may need to disable this port. These ports often use  
COM port resources required for other communications devices.  
Disable the infrared port both in the computers CMOS or BIOS  
setup program and the Windows Device Manager, as follows:  
1 Some computers use a hardware setup utility to configure the  
infrared port in the BIOS. See your computer documentation.  
2 To disable the infrared communications port in Windows, go to  
Device Manager tab under System in the Control Panel.  
3 Double-click the Ports (COM & LPT) entry and the IR Serial  
Port entry. Remove the check mark under Device Usage. (Note:  
In Windows 95 version 950b or later check the “Disable in this  
Hardware Profile” option to disable the device.)  
2-4 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
Use the Modem Diagnostics Tool to verify the computer-to-  
modem interface.  
1 In the Modems option in Control Panel, click Diagnostics.  
2 In Diagnostics properties, highlight the COM port associated  
with the Xircom modem and click the More Info button. This  
causes Windows to send commands to and read responses  
from the modem and display information about the modem  
and its COM port. The Port Information box should display the  
following information:  
The IRQ and I/O address of the modems COM port.  
These should match the physical configuration of the port  
or modem adapter.  
Modem responses to various AT commands. The Xircom  
modem may return ERROR for some AT commands that  
are not supported. This does not indicate a failure.  
3 A log file can be useful to help identify modem problems by  
recording modem commands and responses. Windows 95 and  
98 have slightly different procedures for creating and maintain-  
ing a log file:  
• In Windows 95, go to Control Panel, Modems, Properties,  
Connection, Advanced. In the Advanced Connection Settings  
window, place a check mark in the Record a log file option  
box. A MODEMLOG.TXT file will be created in the  
C:\ WINDOWS directory the next time the modem is used.  
Windows 98 creates a log file by default in the Windows  
directory, using a filename based on the modem device  
identifier, with a .LOG extension, in this case  
"Xircom_Modem_56.log" (or a shortened version in MS-  
DOS). To continue adding information to the log file, place  
a check mark in the Append to Log option box in the  
Advanced Connection Settings window (see the Windows 95  
instructions above for the complete path to this window).  
Windows NT 4.0 Installation  
PCMCIA Services Verification  
Before installing the Xircom RealPort Integrated PC Card, make  
sure that PCMCIA services are enabled on your computer.  
1 Select Devices from the Control Panel.  
2 Scroll down the Device list to the PCMCIA device. The Status  
should be Started and the Startup should be Boot. If this is not  
how PCMCIA is configured, then click Startup, set the Startup  
Type to Boot, and click OK.  
Modem Installation  
Use the following procedure to install the modem:  
1 Shut off power to the computer (power down).  
2 Insert the Xircom RealPort Modem 56 into the PC Card slot in  
the computer.  
3 Power up the computer.  
4 In the Control Panel, double-click the Modems icon.  
5 In the Modem Properties window, click Add.  
6 At the Install New Modem screen make sure that the Dont  
detect my modem; I will select it from a list checkbox is NOT  
checked. Click Next. NT will query the COM ports to find the  
Xircom modem. Click Next. If a Standard Modem is found,  
click Change. Click Have disk. Insert the Xircom diskette and  
verify or type the path to the diskette. Verify that the Xircom  
Modem 56 is selected, then click OK.  
7 At the Install New Modem screen click Finish.  
3-2 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
8 At the Modems Properties screen click Dialing Properties to set  
up dialing properties (not necessary if a modem had been  
previously installed). Click Close.  
9 Use Start/Run to execute SETUP.EXE from the Xircom diskette.  
Xircom Utilities will be copied to your hard drive, a program  
group will be set up, and CountrySelect and online registration  
utilities will launch. Make a country selection (U.S.A. is the  
default) and complete the registration.  
Xircom Utilities  
The following utilities are installed into the Xircom Utilities  
program group by SETUP.EXE. Double-click the appropriate icon  
to run the utility.  
CountrySelect - Configure your modem for a particular  
Modem Test - Display COM port status and input modem  
Online Documentation - Windows Help file containing  
installation instructions, troubleshooting, and modem  
reference information  
Readme file - Supplementary technical information  
Registration - Register the product online using the modem  
Windows NT 4.0 Installation 3-3  
Troubleshooting Modem Setup  
Modem difficulties can usually be traced to interrupt, I/O address  
or communications port conflicts. A modification to the Windows  
NT 4.0 default communication drivers or physical damage to card  
or cables can also be the source of problems.  
Symptoms and Possible Causes  
Windows NT fails to detect a Xircom modem. These conditions  
can be caused by the lack of an available COM Port, or by a  
resource conflict with another device.  
Possible Solutions  
1 Modify the interrupt and/or I/O address for the Xircom card  
until no conflicts remain.  
2 If your computer has an infrared communications port, disable  
it. These ports often use COM port resources required for other  
communications devices. Most infrared ports may be disabled  
from within the computers CMOS or BIOS setup program. On  
some computers a hardware setup utility is used. See your  
computer documentation.  
3 For difficulties in connecting to specific sites such as your  
Internet Service Provider, or company remote access locations,  
verify with the support personnel at the respective locations  
that your client software and dial-in communications software  
are configured properly.  
3-4 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
Appendix A. Support Services  
Service and Support  
Xircom offers an extensive family of service and support programs, including  
world-class phone support, software updates, plus 24-hour access to our BBS,  
World Wide Web, and other electronic facilities.  
Warranty Service Procedures  
For details on warranty coverage and service, see the Appendix entitled  
Lifetime Limited Warranty. If you think there is a problem or defect with  
your Xircom product, your point of contact will be  
In the U.S.A.  
Xircoms Customer Support department at (805) 376-9200.  
Outside the U.S.A.  
Contact your local Xircom supplier or Xircom regional office.  
Software and Driver Updates  
World Wide Web  
To download drivers (subject to the terms of the Xircom Software License  
Agreement) from the Xircom website, go to:  
Bulletin Board System (BBS)  
Set your modem to its maximum speed, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit to  
connect at up to 56,000 bps in the U.S. and Europe, 33,600 bps elsewhere.  
To download drivers, go to the Main Menu, select File Menu and Search by  
filename or keyword (e.g., Windows 95) or List files by area. Follow the  
instructions to select and download current versions of Xircom released drivers  
(subject to the terms of the Xircom Software License Agreement).  
A-2 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
Xircom Worldwide Access  
Americas Customer Support  
Xircom, Inc.  
2300 Corporate Center Drive  
Thousand Oaks, California 91320-1420  
Direct Line to Customer Support  
(805) 376-9200  
Customer Support  
(6 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday U.S. Pacific time)  
(805) 376-9100  
Fax to Customer Support  
Online or Automated Access (24 hours, 7 days a week)  
(805) 375-5280  
(805) 376-9130  
BBS (up to 56Kbps)  
BBS (up to 33.6Kbps)  
World Wide Web  
Europe, Middle East, and Africa Customer Support  
Xircom Europe N.V.  
King Square, Veldkant 39  
2550 Kontich, Belgium  
Direct Line to Customer Support  
+32/(0)70 233 307  
+32/(0)70 233 852  
+32/(0)70 233 851  
+32/(0)70 233 850  
Telephone English language  
Telephone Dutch language  
Telephone French language  
Telephone German language  
(9:00 to 18:00 Monday through Friday)  
+32/(0)70 233 306  
Fax to Technical Support  
Online or Automated Access (24 hours, 7 days a week)  
+32/(0)70 233 163  
BBS (up to 56Kbps)  
Appendixes A-3  
Asia Pacific Customer Support  
Xircom Asia Pacific (Pte) Ltd.  
76 Shenton Way  
Unit #06-01  
Singapore 079119  
+65 323 1511  
+65 323 3404  
Customer Support  
+65 224 3313  
+65 323 0455  
BBS (up to 33.6Kbps)  
Xircom Australia  
Level 15, 99 Walker Street  
North Sydney, NSW  
Australia 2060  
+61 (02) 9911 7794  
+61 (02) 9911 7796  
+61 (02) 9911 7758  
Customer Support  
BBS (up to 33.6Kbps)  
Xircom Japan Customer Support  
KDD Otemachi Bldg. /21F  
1-8-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku  
Tokyo 100-0004  
+81 (03) 3243 1129  
+81 (03) 3243 1019  
Customer Support  
Additional International Access  
Contact your local reseller or distributor  
World Wide Web  
Please fill out and return the Product Registration Card supplied with  
the product. Your information will be entered into our support  
A-4 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
Appendix B. Specifications  
General Specifications  
RJ-11 (modem), RJ-11 (phone set pass-through)  
85.6 mm x 54.0 mm x 10.5 mm (3.37 in x 2.13  
in x 0.413 in)  
36 g (1.3 oz)  
Temperature range:  
0°C to 65°C (32°F to 149°F )  
-20°C to 85°C (-4°F to 185°F)  
95% maximum noncondensing  
2 MB memory accommodates dual V.90 and  
K56flex operation  
+5 VDC, 200 mA idle, 240 mA active  
FCC Part 15, Class B, FCC Part 68, Industry  
Modem Specifications  
Data modulation:  
V.90 or K56flex up to 56000 bps; V.34 from  
33,600 down to 2400 bps; V.32terbo at 19200  
and 16800 bps; V.32bis at 14400, 12000, 9600,  
and 7200 bps, uncoded at 4800 bps; V.32 at  
9600 bps, uncoded at 4800 bps; V.23 at 1200/  
75 and 75/1200 bps; V.22bis at 2400 bps; V.22  
at 1200 bps; Bell 212A at 1200 bps  
Fax modulation:  
V.17 at 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, and 4800  
bps; V.29 at 9600, 7200, and 4800 bps; V.27ter  
at 4800 and 2400 bps  
Fax support:  
Group 3, EIA/TIA Class 1 and Class 2  
Error control:  
V.42 Error Control, MNP Levels 2-4 Error  
Data compression:  
V.42bis (4:1) or MNP Level 5 (2:1)  
Power-up self tests of program RAM, data  
RAM, and nonvolatile memory.  
Nonvolatile RAM:  
1 user definable profile; 2 thirty-six digit  
telephone numbers; serial number  
Appendixes A-5  
Modem Specifications (continued)  
Command set:  
Hayes and Microcom compatible AT com-  
Data interface:  
PCMCIA Release 2.1 compliant, 68-pin  
Analog interface:  
DTE speeds:  
RJ-11C modular telephone connector  
1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 14400, 19200,  
37400, 57600, and 115200 bps  
Appendix C. Lifetime Limited Warranty  
As the original purchaser, you receive these warranties from Xircom:  
Your RealPort Modem 56 (collectively, “Products”), will be free from defects in  
material and workmanship and will perform in substantial compliance with  
your user documentation accompanying the Products for as long as you own  
and properly use the Products.  
Software accompanying these Products (including driver, utility software, etc.)  
and the magnetic media containing the software are warranted to perform in  
substantial compliance with the specifications contained in your user documen-  
tation for two years from your purchase date. Our warranty does not cover or  
provide you with rights to upgrades or updates.  
You are responsible for your choice of applications programs or related  
reference materials. Given the wide range of third party hardware and  
applications software products you might use our software with, you under-  
stand that Xircom does not warrant the compatibility or the uninterrupted or  
error free operation of our software.  
Upon our confirmation of a covered defect or failure, at our option we will  
repair or replace the affected item or will refund your purchase price if repair  
or replacement is not possible or practical. At our option, replacement products  
or repaired items may be a new, refurbished, or functionally equivalent item.  
Our warranty on items serviced under warranty will be lifetime for hardware  
and, for software, 90 days from return to you of software/magnetic media or  
the remainder of the original warranty, whichever is longer. Repair, replace-  
ment, or refund are the exclusive remedies available to you from Xircom for  
products and software.  
A-6 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
Your Obligations  
Your warranty rights will be honored provided you  
Read and follow your user documentation for installation, setup, software  
setup, and operating guidelines,  
Use the Products and software only in suitable physical or operating  
environments as described in your user documentation and for purposes for  
which the Products and software are intended.  
Warranty Service  
If you think there is a problem or defect with your purchased item, your point  
of contact will be  
In the U.S.A.  
Xircoms Technical Support department at (805) 376-9200.  
Outside the U.S.A.  
Contact your local Xircom supplier or Xircom regional office.  
Your Xircom contact will discuss your problem to confirm the defect. If  
warranty or return service is needed, youll receive a Return Material Authori-  
zation (RMA) number. Replacement Product will be shipped when the original  
Product has been received by Xircom. (U.S. only: advance shipment of  
replacement Product is available with a credit card deposit.)  
Ship your return Product prepaid, with the RMA number clearly visible on  
the outside of the shipping package, to:  
From the U.S.A.  
Xircom Service Department  
2101 Corporate Center Drive  
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1422  
From outside the U.S.A.  
Contact your local Xircom supplier or Xircom regional center for  
shipping instructions.  
Returned Products may need to include, if requested by Xircom, all other  
components from your original package, including the Product and any cables,  
connectors, software diskettes, and user documentation. Be sure to enclose a  
copy of your purchase receipt or other proof of purchase confirming that you  
are the original purchaser.  
Our warranty is subject to the following limitations:  
We do not cover or accept liability for any injury, damage or failure caused  
by misuse, abuse, acts of Nature, accidents (e.g., dropping the Products or  
software diskettes), electrical mishaps, causes beyond our control, or claims  
by other than the original purchaser.  
Appendixes A-7  
We will not honor, and will consider our warranty voided, if there has been  
any (1) tampering with the Products external label or serial number, (2)  
attempt to open the Products case, or (3) attempted or actual repair by  
anyone other than an authorized Xircom technician.  
Additional Rights  
Some states or countries do not allow exclusion or limitation of incidental or  
consequential damages, or limitations on the length of an implied warranty, so  
the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. Our warranty gives  
you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from  
state to state or country to country.  
International Notice  
Due to differing national regulations and approval requirements, certain Xircom  
products are designed for use only in specific countries, and may not function  
properly in a country other than the country of designated use. As a user of  
these products, you are responsible for ensuring that the products are used  
only in the countries for which they were intended.  
For information on specific products, contact Xircoms nearest regional center:  
Xircom Corporate (U.S.A.)  
Xircom Europe  
Xircom Asia Pacific  
(800) 438-4526  
+32/(0)3 450.08.11  
+65 323 1511  
Unauthorized Applications  
Xircoms products are not designed or authorized for use as a component in  
any life support, life safety, or other comparable application. Our products  
should not be used in any application where the failure or faulty performance  
of the product might create a risk of personal injury or death. Buyer assumes  
all risk of loss, damage or injury alleged to arise from the failure or faulty  
performance of a Xircom product in any unauthorized application. Buyer  
agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Xircom, and its officers, directors,  
employees, agents, representatives, and sales partners, from and against any  
and all claims, costs, damages, losses and expenses (including reasonable  
attorney fees) which arise from or are alleged to have been caused by any  
claim for personal injury or death connected with Buyers use of a Xircom  
product in any unauthorized application, including claims which allege that  
Xircom has been negligent in connection with the design or manufacture of the  
A-8 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
Appendix D. Regulatory Agency Notices  
FCC Regulations - Part 15  
Declaration of Conformity (DoC)  
Xircom, Inc. declares that the equipment described in this document is within  
the requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations listed below:  
Title 47 Part 15, Subpart B, Class B for a digital device.  
This declaration is based upon compliance of the Xircom RealPort Modem 56  
model RM56V1 to the above standards. Xircom has determined that model  
RM56V1 has been shown to comply with the applicable technical standards if  
no unauthorized change is made in the equipment and if the equipment is  
properly maintained and operated.  
These units are identical to the units tested and found acceptable with the  
applicable standards. Records maintained by Xircom continue to reflect that  
units being produced under this Declaration of Conformity, within the variation  
that can be expected due to quantity production and tested on a statistical  
basis, continue to comply with the applicable technical standards.  
Authorized Signature:  
R.W. Bass  
Vice President, Operations  
Xircom, Inc.  
2300 Corporate Center Drive  
Thousand Oaks, California 91320  
FCC Rules and Regulations - Part 15  
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the  
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,  
and (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interfer-  
ence that may cause undesired operation.  
The Xircom RealPort Modem 56 complies with the FCC Rules for a Class B  
digital device. As required by FCC Rules and Regulations, the following Class B  
information is provided for the guidance of the user.  
WARNING: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the  
limits for Class B digital devices pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These  
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-  
ence in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can  
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance  
Appendixes A-9  
with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.  
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular  
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or  
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off  
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or  
more of the following measures:  
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.  
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.  
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to  
which the receiver is connected.  
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.  
Changes or modifications to the digital device not expressly approved by  
Xircom Inc. could void the users authority to operate the equipment.  
It is suggested that only shielded and grounded cables be used with the  
equipment to ensure compliance with FCC rules.  
FCC Regulations - Part 68  
To comply with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules and  
Regulations, Parts 68, these instructions must be followed:  
Your modem must not be connected to a party line or coin-operated  
If a problem occurs on the telephone line, your modem must be  
disconnected from the telephone line until it has been determined that  
your modem is not the cause of the problem.  
All repairs to your modem must be made by Xircom, Inc. Unauthorized  
or unorthodox repair methods can alter the modems radio frequency  
emissions and other characteristics sufficiently to void your authority to  
operate the modem over a public telephone network.  
If requested, you must be prepared to provide the telephone company  
with the following information:  
Equipment Manufacturer:  
Xircom, Inc.  
2300 Corporate Center Drive  
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1420 U.S.A.  
FCC Registration Number:  
Ringer Equivalency Number:  
See the unit.  
See the unit.  
This equipment complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. On the back of the  
RealPort Modem 56 is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC  
Registration Number and Ringer Equivalency Number (REN) for this equipment.  
You must, upon request, provide this information to your telephone company.  
A-10 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
The REN is useful to determine the quantity of devices you may connect to  
your telephone line and still have all those devices ring when your telephone  
number is called. In most but not all areas, the sum of the RENs of all devices  
connected to one line should not exceed five (5.0). To be certain of the  
number of devices you may connect to your line, as determined by the REN,  
you should contact your local telephone company to determine the maximum  
REN for your calling area.  
If your telephone equipment causes harm to the telephone network, the  
telephone company may discontinue your service temporarily. If possible, they  
will notify you in advance. But if advance notice is not practical, you will be  
notified as soon as possible. You will be informed of your right to file a  
complaint with the FCC.  
Your telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment,  
operations or procedures that could affect the proper functioning of your  
equipment. If they do, you will be notified in advance to give you an opportu-  
nity to maintain uninterrupted telephone service.  
If you experience trouble with this telephone equipment, please contact  
Xircom, Inc. at (805) 376-9200 for information on obtaining service or repairs.  
The telephone company may ask that you disconnect this equipment from the  
network until the problem has been corrected or until you are sure that the  
equipment is not malfunctioning.  
There are no user serviceable parts contained in this equipment.  
This equipment may not be used on coin service provided by the telephone  
company. Connection to party lines is subject to state tariffs.  
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991 makes it unlawful for any  
person to use a computer or other electronic devices, including fax machines,  
to send any message unless such message clearly contains in a margin at the  
top or bottom of each transmitted page or on the first page of the transmission,  
the date and time it is sent and an identification of the business or other entity,  
or other individual sending the message and the telephone number of the  
sending machine or such business, other entity, or individual. (The telephone  
number provided may not be a 900 number or any other for which charges  
exceeds local or long-distance transmission charges.)  
In order to program this information into your fax software, you should refer to  
the manual of the Fax software being used.  
Canadian Department Of Communications  
Industry Canada (IC) Notice  
This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio noise  
emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations  
of the Canadian Department of Communications.  
Appendixes A-11  
Le présent appareil numérique n'émet pas de bruits radioélectriques dépassant  
les limites applicables aux appareils numériques de Classe B prescrites dans le  
règlement sur le brouillage radioélectrique édicté par le Ministère des Commu-  
nications du Canada.  
NOTICE: The Industry Canada (IC) label identifies certified equipment. This  
certification means that the equipment meets telecommunications network  
protective, operational and safety requirements as prescribed in the appropriate  
Terminal Equipment Technical Requirements document(s). The department  
does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the users satisfaction.  
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be  
connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The  
equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connection.  
The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions may  
not prevent degradation of service in some situations.  
Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative  
designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by a user to this  
equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telephone communica-  
tions company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment.  
Users should ensure for their own protection, that the electrical ground  
connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water  
pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be  
particularly important in rural areas.  
Caution: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but  
should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician, as  
NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal  
device provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to  
be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may  
consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the  
sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.  
REN: See back of unit.  
Warranty and Repair Service Center:  
Xircom, Inc.  
2300 Corporate Center Drive  
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1420 U.S.A.  
Phone: (805) 376-9200  
Safety Notices  
This card is intended for use with UL 1950/EN60950/IEC950 (or other NRTL)  
listed ITE computers that contain operator-accessible PC Card slots.  
A-12 RealPort Modem 56 User’s Guide  
Appendix E. Software License Agreement  
Xircom grants you a non-exclusive license to use the copies of software  
programs supplied with this product on the following terms:  
You may:  
Use the software program on any computer or network but only in  
conjunction with any Xircom hardware product;  
Permit any other individuals to use the software program either directly or  
on a computer network, but only if there is no more than one user for each  
Xircom hardware product in use in conjunction with such use;  
Make only those number of backup and archival copies of the software  
program in machine readable form as are essential to backup use of the  
software program, provided that you reproduce all proprietary notices on  
each copy.  
You may not:  
Modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, create deriva-  
tive works based on, or copy (except for archival purposes) the program or  
the accompanying documentation;  
Rent, transfer, sublicense or grant any rights in the program or accompany-  
ing documentation (including any time-sharing arrangement) in any form to  
any other person without the prior written consent of Xircom;  
Remove any proprietary notices, labels, or marks on the program and  
accompanying documentation.  
Failure to comply with any of the above restrictions will terminate this license.  
This is not a sale. Title and copyrights to the program and accompanying  
documentation and any copies remain with Xircom, except that title to software  
programs shipped by Xircom through an agreement with another manufacturer  
is owned and retained by the original manufacturer, and no title to the  
intellectual property contained in such programs is transferred hereunder. The  
human readable code of the software program (source code), including the  
source code of programs shipped by Xircom through an agreement with  
another manufacturer, is not sublicensed hereunder.  
U.S. Government Restricted Rights  
The SOFTWARE and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS.  
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as  
set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and  
Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, or subparagraphs (c)(1) and  
(c)(2) of the Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights at 48 CFR52.227-  
19, as applicable. Contractor/manufacturer is Xircom, Inc., 2300 Corporate  
Center Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1420.  
This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of California.  

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